Life events
To book a wedding at St John's Church, simply come along to one of our Weddings and Baptisms Booking Hours held Monthly on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11am-12noon.
For bookings and payments, to update information or bring ID, come to the Spire Centre between 11am and 12pm on the following dates.
The upcoming dates are below:
Saturday 15th March
Wednesday 23rd April
Wednesday 14th May
Saturday 17th May
If you need more details about when to come, why not simply telephone the church office on 01405 766058 or email
The Church of England has a great website ( where you will find answers to most of your questions regarding weddings. However, these are only guidelines and we have adapted some to meet our own circumstances and lay out, so we encourage you to call us for further information about being married here at St John's.
All couples wishing to get married at St John’s are invited to attend one of our marriage preparation days. These days are designed to help couples think about their wedding and married life, as well as provide an opportunity to meet our clergy and other couples in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
What if I’ve been married before?
Even if one or both of you are divorced, there may be a way for you to marry in church, but you will need to talk to us as soon as possible. We wish you a lifetime of love that grows within God’s protection; but we recognise that some marriages do fail for all sorts of sad and painful reasons. So, in certain circumstances the Church accepts that a divorced person may marry again in church.
To book a baptism at St John's Church, simply come along to one of our Weddings and Baptisms Booking Hours held Monthly on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11am-12noon.
For bookings and payments, to update information or bring ID, come to the Spire Centre between 11am and 12pm on the following dates.
The upcoming dates are below:
Saturday 15th March
Wednesday 23rd April
Wednesday 14th May
Saturday 17th May
If you need more details about when to come, why not simply telephone the church office on 01405 766058 or email
We would encourage you to have your children baptised at St John's. If you live outside of the parish boundary, we will also encourage you to consider your local church as it enables you and child to establish the friendships and contacts that are so important at this stage.
At the baptism of your child you, as parents, are making a public decision to start him/her on the journey of faith, asking for the church's support. You will be asked to declare publicly on behalf of your child that you believe in God and that you will bring your child up to follow Jesus.
Baptisms will usually be on the second and fourth Sundays of the month from 2pm. We invite parents (and godparents if possible) to attend baptism preparation beforehand where we outline the promises that you will be making and give you the opportunity to have your questions answered.
We also offer a service of blessing and thanksgiving for the gift of your child. Baptism can follow later if either you or your child wants to make a commitment of faith.
Can I be baptised at St John's?
We can baptise adults by full immersion. Beforehand, we would love to invite you to come along to an Alpha course. Baptism is an amazing act of obedience, a public declaration of your faith in Jesus, a symbol of dying to your old life, and a resurrection into the new.
Can I arrange a funeral at St John's?
Yes. In the first instance why not simply telephone the church office on 01405 766058 or email
The Church has a good website to help you too ( where you will find answers to most of your questions regarding funerals. However, these are only guidelines and we have adapted some to meet our own circumstances and lay out, so we encourage you to call us for further information about funerals here at St John's.
Alternatively speak to a funeral director, who will receive your instructions as to the type of funeral you’d like. They will make all the necessary arrangements and contacts, leaving you free to concentrate on other matters at this difficult time.