Mid-week Groups
Worship and Social Group
2nd Tuesday of the Month - 2pm
Formally the Mother's Union, a group meets every second Tuesday of the month in the Spire Centre. The meeting starts at 2pm and enjoys singing together, sharing from God's word and fellowship.
EWES (encouraging women, empathy sharing)
1st Tuesday of the month - 7:30pm-9pm
Giving women the chance to chat and study the Bible together over light refreshments, in the Spire Centre.
Coffee Morning
Wednesdays 10am-12Noon
Come along every Wednesday during term time between 10am and 12noon to the Spire Centre for a free Tea, Coffee and Cake
Life Hub
Wednesdays 7:30pm-8:45pm
Life Hub meets on Wednesday evenings during term time 7:30pm-8:45pm in the Spire Centre. Growing together by reading the bible and praying.
Prayer Breakfast
Thursdays 7am-8:30am
Weekly Thursday morning prayer meeting for prayer between 7am-7:45am in the Spire Centre, with shared breakfast together from 7:45am-8:30am.
Craft Angels
Thursdays 1pm-3pm
Craft Angels is an opportunity to meet together each week to make crafts for church events or to sell for church funds, while enjoying a cup of tea and some biscuits. They meet every week at 1pm-3pm in the Spire Centre.