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Can I get married at St John's?
In the first instance why not simply telephone the church office on 01405 766058 or email
The Church of England has a great website ( where you will find answers to most of your questions regarding weddings. However, these are only guidelines and we have adapted some to meet our own circumstances and lay out, so we encourage you to call us for further information about being married here at St John's.
All couples wishing to get married at St John’s are invited to attend one of our marriage preparation days. These days are designed to help couples think about their wedding and married life, as well as provide an opportunity to meet our clergy and other couples in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

What if I’ve been married before?

Even if one or both of you are divorced, there may be a way for you to marry in church, but you will need to talk to us as soon as possible. We wish you a lifetime of love that grows within God’s protection; but we recognise that some marriages do fail for all sorts of sad and painful reasons. So, in certain circumstances the Church accepts that a divorced person may marry again in church.