

Key information about the church...


Where & when does the church meet?

Sunday 9:30am- Traditional Communion Service
Join us at 9:30am for our Sunday morning traditional communion service, with Organ led hymns. Everybody is welcome, please stay for refreshments after the service, served in Church. 

Sunday 11:15am  - Informal Communion Service (Also on Zoom)
Join us from 10:30am for refreshments before the service in church. Our informal service then starts at 11:15am with a talk, prayers and worship lead by acoustic guitar. Everyone is welcome!! 

Sunday 11:05am - Kingdom Kids (at the Spire Centre)
For primary school aged children (4-11) every Sunday from 11.05am in the Spire Centre across the road from church.  

2nd Sunday of the Month 7pm - Monthly Evening Gathering (at the Spire Centre)

An informal time of creative prayer, a talk, and extended worship

Thursday 10:15 am - Mid Week Communion
Join us in Church every Thursday from 10:15am for our traditional mid week Communion service. 

We meet at:
St John's Goole
Church Street
East Riding of Yorkshire DN14 5BA

You can see a map on our contact us page


What should I expect when I visit the church?

Coming through our big church doors can be daunting, but when you enter, you will receive a very warm welcome and lots of friendly faces.  Please feel free to sit wherever you like. We try to explain everything during the services, but do feel free to ask someone if you're not sure.   

What happens to the kids at church?

At the 9:30 service children are welcome, but there is no structured kids' church.

At the 11:15am service, children under three are 
welcome to stay in the church. Children aged 4-11 years can be dropped off over the road to Kingdom Kids. Please come along before the service (from 11.05am) to register your children.   

Is there a dress code?

No. Please just be yourself and come dressed in your 'normal' clothes. Jeans are fine.

Will I have to join in?

Not at all. You are free to simply sit and listen, or join in as much as you like. We don't mind. 

I have more questions, how can I get in touch and ask them?

Please feel free to contact us.